Account Balance Overview, Types, and Examples


If you’ve ever logged into your online banking platform to find a negative checking account balance, you know the stomach-dropping, sweat-inducing feeling that follows. It’s even worse when you know you deposited a check yesterday, but somehow you’re in the red today.

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Recurring payments are payments you have agreed to have electronically deducted from your account on a scheduled basis, such as gym memberships and insurance premiums. The first category is interest and dividend payments to foreigners who own assets in the country. The second is wages paid to foreigners who work in the country. The goal for most countries is to accumulate money by exporting more goods and services than they import. A deficit occurs when a country’s government, businesses, and individuals export fewer goods and services than they import. This information is educational, and is not an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any security.

Difference Between Available Balance and Current Balance

An account balance that falls below zero represents a net debt—for example, when there is an overdraft on a checking account. For financial accounts that have recurring bills, such as an electric bill or a mortgage, an account balance may also reflect an amount owed. The term account balance may refer to two things based on the area to which it relates. In banking, it represents the remaining money in a bank account ready for spending.


This content is general in nature and does not constitute legal, tax, Account Balance Definitioning, financial or investment advice. You are encouraged to consult with competent legal, tax, accounting, financial or investment professionals based on your specific circumstances. If you spend all of your available funds availablebeforethese recurring items are presented for payment, you risk overdrawing your account and incurring significant fees. That’s why it’s critical to keep track of those items that have not yet been paid from your account to avoid an overdraft situation.

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However, it shows the difference between debit and credit transactions in a general ledger in accounting. Although the term account balance applies to both, it is more prevalent in the latter field. Normal accounting balances are an essential part of the ledger. In the general ledger, accounting entries go on the left or right.

  • An account balance in accounting represents the difference between all the debit and credit transactions in a ledger account.
  • The account balance is always the net amount after factoring in all debits and credits.
  • Usually, Liability accounts, Revenue accounts, Equity Accounts, Contra-Expense & Contra-Asset accounts tend to have the credit balance.
  • Generally, a credit card balance can impact an individual’s credit score.
  • Your account balance shows your total assets minus total liabilities.

It’s important to know how your bank prioritizes items to be debited from your account. Some institutions may post multiple times in a day or post live, so it is important to understand how your institution works. During posting, “pending” transactions that have been received throughout the day and are ready to be settled will become “posted.” A balance of payments becomes a surplus once total exports outnumber total imports. While the U.S. has an overall deficit in its international transactions, it does have a surplus in the services sector. Brick and mortar banks offer online banking services or apps that allow customers to log in from their phone and check their balance.

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The borrowing limits of a credit card are determined based on the cardholder’s credit rating. ReconciliationReconciliation is the process of comparing account balances to identify any financial inconsistencies, discrepancies, omissions, or even fraud. Assume that the starting balance in a checking account is $750.

  • With the Stanford FCU Mobile Banking app, you can enjoy a unified experience from desktop to mobile across all devices.
  • Merchants may place holds on your account for many reasons, which can cause the available balance to be less than the account balance.
  • Pending transactions include pre-authorized transfers, point-of-sale transactions and merchant payments.
  • The given balance reflects the net amount available after credits and debits.
  • When a country’s current account balance is negative , the country is a net borrower from the rest of the world.

We encourage you to read and evaluate the privacy and policies on the site you are entering, which may be different than those of Stanford FCU. Visualize your Account Balance by using a summary chart to display the current value, optionally comparing to a previous time period. This link takes you to an external website or app, which may have different privacy and security policies than U.S.

Credit cards can hold outstanding or negative account balances, which change from month to month, depending on the card’s transactions. Generally, a credit card balance can impact an individual’s credit score. In the case of a credit card, you may have made various purchases of $100, $50, and $25 and returned another item costing $10. The account balance includes the purchases made, which total $175, but also the item returned for $10. The net of the debits and credits is $165, or $175 minus $10, and that amount is your account balance.

Does account balance mean you owe money?

For financial accounts that have recurring bills, such as a water bill, your account balance usually shows the amount owed. An account balance can also refer to the total amount of money you owe to a third party, such as a credit card company, utility company, mortgage banker, or another type of lender or creditor.

Such an account is accessible by a teller, ATM, or online banking. For some accounts, such as brokerage and checking accounts, the current balance can reflect the present value of the sum of funds for specific accounts. The account balance tends to fluctuate over time, especially when the account holder is continuously making investments. In bookkeeping, “balance” is the difference between the sum of debit entries and the sum of credit entries entered into an account during a financial period. When total debits exceed total credits, the account indicates a debit balance.

Account balance definition

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debit transactions

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